The Eternal Twilight Ring
"The Eternal Twilight Ring"
"The Eternal Twilight Ring," a piece inspired by the enigmatic allure of Mary Wollstonecraft, a pioneering advocate for women's rights and the mother of Mary Shelley. Known for her intellect, courage, and profound influence on the literary world, Mary Wollstonecraft embodied the spirit of enlightenment and romanticism.
Crafted with ancient artistry, this exquisite ring is meticulously carved from beeswax using 6000-year-old techniques, then cast into sterling silver. It features a captivating central Herkimer diamond, symbolising clarity and spiritual vision, flanked by raw sapphires on either side, adding a touch of natural splendour and depth.
Mary Wollstonecraft’s influence is reflected in the ring's design, capturing the sophistication and intellectual charm of her era. This ring is a testament to historical craftsmanship and the timeless allure of precious gemstones.
Presented in a green and gold gift box, "The Eternal Twilight Ring" includes a polishing cloth, a jewellery care card for maintenance guidance, and a linen bag for safekeeping.
Pendant Dimensions:
Height: 10mm
Band Width: 3mm
Ring Size: I 1/2
Disclaimer: This is item is a one-of-a- kind piece which is ready to go! I will ship as soon as I can but please give 1-2 weeks for dispatch. Please contact me if required urgently.
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